Surviving and Thriving: A Parent’s Guide to Managing Summer with Kids

It's summer, and the kids are out of school! Yay! While I love having them home, enjoying the opportunity to sleep in and spending quality time together, it can also be quite exhausting. Keeping my young kids entertained all day, every day, is a real challenge. For parents, summer can be a stressful time as they juggle work, household responsibilities, and the task of keeping their kids engaged. Here are 8 strategies to help parents navigate the summer months smoothly and ensure the whole family enjoys the season.

1. Create a Flexible Routine

Establishing a routine can provide structure to your days without the rigidity of a school schedule. A flexible routine helps kids know what to expect and can include designated times for meals, outdoor play, quiet activities, and family time. Allow for some flexibility to accommodate spontaneous adventures or downtime, which are equally important. Kids thrive with a routine because it helps them understand what to expect next.

2. Plan Engaging Activities

Keeping kids entertained doesn’t necessarily mean spending a lot of money. Simple, creative activities can go a long way. Consider:

  • Craft Projects: Use everyday materials for fun DIY crafts. Websites like Pinterest or instagram offer endless ideas.

  • Outdoor Adventures: Plan regular trips to local parks, playgrounds, splash pads, pools, or even your backyard for exploration and play.

  • Reading Challenges: Encourage reading by setting up a summer reading challenge with rewards for milestones achieved. 

  • Science Experiments: Simple, safe science experiments can be both educational and entertaining.

  • Camps: Enroll them in local camps where they can participate in a variety of activities throughout the day!

  • Activities: Sign them up for sports, gymnastics, karate, ninja/gym classes, etc.

3. Encourage Independent Play

While it's important to spend quality time with your kids, encouraging independent play fosters creativity and self-sufficiency. Set up a play area with toys, books, and materials that they can access on their own. This not only gives you some breathing room but also helps children develop their imagination and problem-solving skills.

4. Leverage Community Resources

Take advantage of community resources such as local libraries, community centers, and parks and recreation departments. Many offer free or low-cost summer programs, including story times, sports leagues, art classes, and more. These programs provide structured activities and opportunities for social interaction.

5. Set Up Playdates

Coordinate playdates with other parents. This not only gives your children a chance to socialize and develop friendships but also provides a bit of relief for you. Rotating playdate hosting duties can give you a few hours to yourself while your child enjoys time with friends. You can even involve them in activities you enjoy. For instance, I recently got into pickleball and now I take my kids along so they can practice too!

6. Involve Kids in Household Tasks

Incorporating children into household tasks can be a win-win situation. It teaches them responsibility and life skills while also helping you manage the house. My kids actually love helping out around the house. Sometimes kids just want to be a part of your daily life and don’t need fancy toys. Playing a clean up song also helps motivate my kids to clean up. Turn chores into a game or a friendly competition to make them more appealing. For example, a “clean-up race” or “garden treasure hunt” can make boring tasks exciting. 

7. Practice Self-Care

Managing kids at home during summer can be overwhelming, so it’s crucial to prioritize your own well-being. Take short breaks when possible, whether it’s a quiet cup of coffee in the morning or a quick workout session. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from family or friends to give yourself some time to recharge. Hire a babysitter to come a few hours a day to give you a break as well! Remember it’s ok if you lose your cool here and there, we are humans after all. Be easy on yourself and just remember to have fun! We tend to have so many rules and be so strict, but maybe our kids can teach us to let loose a little and enjoy life. 

8. Use Technology Wisely

While screen time should be moderated, technology can be a helpful tool for entertainment and education. Educational apps, virtual museum tours, and online workshops can be both engaging and informative. Setting time limits ensures that technology use remains balanced with other activities. Setting up a timer for my kids really helps! A timer provides a clear and consistent limit, making it easier for parents to enforce rules around screen use.

Summer with kids at home can be both joyful and challenging. By planning ahead, encouraging independent play, leveraging community resources, and taking care of yourself, you can create a balanced and enjoyable summer experience for the entire family. Remember, the goal is not to fill every moment with activities but to create a relaxed yet stimulating environment where kids can explore, learn, and grow. Have fun and hope you all have a wonderful summer!

Until next time, take care of yourself!

<3 Massoma


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