
Massoma Alam

Who is Massoma?

Massoma Alam Chohan is an author, a TEDx speaker, a wife, a mother of two, and a strong advocate for those suffering from anxiety. Massoma uses her expertise and experience to provide scientifically proven strategies for stress and burnout to clients and companies.

She graduated from the State University of Buffalo with a bachelor's in Biology and Psychology, completed two years of Medical School, and her master's in Industrial & Organizational Psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology.

In April 2018, Massoma did a TEDx talk titled "Go Spaghetti: Overcoming Anxiety" about how she overcame anxiety and panic disorder.

The talk has nearly 10K views on YouTube.

Massoma has spoken as a panelist for two conferences at the United Nations in New York City: Psychological Effects on Refugees and Economic Empowerment of Women in the Workplace. Massoma spoke as a keynote speaker at a Women's in Leadership conference for the University of Pittsburgh Alumni.

Massoma is now sharing her knowledge with the World with the release of her first book, "Take Your Lunch Break: Helpful Tips For Relieving Work-Related Stress.” The book was the #1 bestselling book on Amazon in multiple categories including mental health, phobias and anxieties, work-related health, and workplace culture. The book discusses various strategies on how you can ultimately live a better life when you learn to navigate the stressors causing anxiety. It is available wherever you can find books.

Massoma and her family currently reside in Buffalo, New York.

Watch the TEDx Talk

Go Spaghetti: Overcoming Anxiety