From Worries to Wins: Fun Techniques for Facing Back-to-school Challenges

Summer's winding down, and we're all feeling a mix of emotions. With the first day of school just around the corner, the thrill of new beginnings often comes with a side of nerves. This is especially true for kids starting at a new school. My son is about to begin kindergarten, and while he's super excited, he's also a bit nervous. Over the years, I've tried out various ways to help my kids tackle school jitters, and I want to share some of my favorite strategies with you. As parents, we can use these unique techniques to help our kids feel confident and ready for the new school year!

  1. Introduce the “Worry Monster”

One of my favorite and most effective strategies we’ve used is the “Worry Monster.” I originally learned this from my sister in law, Mariam, who is a clinical psychologist. It’s really a great strategy and resembles the anxiety character in the movie Inside Out 2. I believe they did an excellent job describing anxiety, and I encourage parents and all children to watch it. 

So whenever my son expresses concern, I ask him, "What is the Worry Monster saying?" Then, we have a chat with the Worry Monster, reassuring him that he is safe and can handle anything that comes his way. Another way to use “Worry Monster” is to introduce a stuffed toy designed to “eat up” worries. My son names his worries,  we write them down, and then he feeds them to the Worry Monster before bedtime. This process has provided a tangible way for him to express his anxieties. We also practiced a special phrase: “I know you are trying to help me, Worry Monster, but I am okay. I can do this.” This empowers him to acknowledge his fears while affirming his own strength and resilience.

2. Create a “First Day” Storybook

To familiarize my son with his new school environment (orientation helped a lot), we created a personalized “First Day” storybook. My son loves to draw so I asked him to draw his new school, his bookbag, the playground, and other fun things he was excited about. We wrote a simple, reassuring narrative about his first day, highlighting positive aspects such as making new friends and discovering fun activities. Reading this story together has made the unknown seem more familiar and less intimidating for him.

3. Role-Play Common Scenarios

Role-playing common school scenarios has been a fun and educational way to prepare my son for different situations he might encounter. We act out scenarios such as introducing himself to a new classmate, asking the teacher for help, or dealing with difficult situations. This practice builds his confidence and provides practical strategies for managing social interactions and challenges at school. He has so much fun with this, and I also make sure to validate his feelings throughout the process. I tell him, "You might feel really nervous and jittery when you first walk into the school and meet your new friends and teacher. That's completely normal and okay. We can smile, do a little dance to shake off the jitters, and then introduce ourselves and even ask someone what their favorite animal is."

4. Establish a Calming Morning Routine

I try to prepare as much as I can the night before like having the kids pick out their clothes for the next day, getting as much of the lunch prepped, and a backpack as ready as possible. Mornings can set the tone for the entire day. Not going to lie most mornings are hectic, we are running late, and running around everywhere. However, I have been getting up 10 minutes earlier so that I can have a calmer morning with the kids. My kids play with their toys while I make their breakfast, and we choose to go screen-free. This way, they can use their imaginations and start the day creatively. This consistent routine provides a sense of stability and helps my kids feel more prepared for the day ahead.

5. Practice Relaxation Techniques

I teach my kids to take nice slow deep breaths when they feel overwhelmed “Smell the flower, blow out the candle” or use this amazing strategy:

"5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Exercise," also known as the "Five Senses Exercise." Here's how it works:

  1. Trace Each Finger: Have your child hold up one hand and use the index finger of their other hand to trace around the fingers of the raised hand.

  2. Say While Tracing:

    • Thumb: "I can see..." (name one thing they can see)

    • Index Finger: "I can touch..." (name one thing they can touch)

    • Middle Finger: "I can hear..." (name one thing they can hear)

    • Ring Finger: "I can smell..." (name one thing they can smell)

    • Pinky Finger: "I can taste..." (name one thing they can taste)

  3. Breathe and Repeat: Encourage them to take deep breaths and repeat the tracing and naming process as needed.

This exercise helps ground them in the present moment and can significantly reduce anxiety by focusing on their senses. Or alternatively, just take deep breaths, inhale and exhale while tracing the fingers. 

6. Plan Fun After-School Activities

Having something to look forward to after school can help with jitters. Of course, I can't plan something fun every day, but at least for the first few days or during rough patches here and there. Fun activities that our kids love, such as trips to the playground, beach, playdates with friends, or visiting family. These activities serve as positive reinforcement and provide a sense of balance between school responsibilities and leisure time.

Helping your child overcome back-to-school anxiety involves a combination of preparation, support, and creativity. By employing these unique strategies, you can empower your child to face the new school year with confidence and resilience. Remember, your support and understanding are key to helping your child navigate this transition successfully. Together, you can make the start of school a positive and rewarding journey for your child. Good luck! 

Until next time, take care of yourself

<3 Massoma 


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